5 Easy Habits To Implement To Improve Your Fertility

As a holistic registered nurse, my mission is to make your fertility journey simpler, more effective, and less stressful. This week, I want to share five straightforward steps you can implement immediately to help improve your fertility. These actionable tips are designed to be easy to follow, so grab a pen and paper—it’s time to transform your fertility game!

5 things to START doing to improve your fertility

I want you to keep in mind that any small step or little effort you put in counts! These 5 tips are super simple but can be very effective when done consistently.

1. Start your day with breakfast before coffee

Many of us have fallen into the routine of reaching for coffee first thing in the morning, often skipping breakfast. However, to truly improve your fertility, we really need to fuel your body with a protein-rich breakfast BEFORE your morning coffee.

Aim for about 20-30 grams in the morning.This simple change can help stabilize your blood sugar and cortisol levels, which tend to spike when you consume coffee on an empty stomach.

If mornings are rushed, consider meal prepping or blending a protein-packed shake. I tend to do protein shakes in the morning because it’s super easy- and who wants to do more work when they haven’t had their coffee yet?

#2- Make sure you are pooping/having a bowel movement every single day

If you are not having a bowel movement every day, that needs to be your focus.

You might think that bowel movements are just to pass food that’s been digested, but really our bowel movements are passing way more than just food. It’s getting rid of excess hormones, it’s getting rid of excess toxins in our bodies (that can in turn affect our hormones). So we’re making sure that our system’s flushed, which helps everything work more effectively.

If you are not having daily bowel movements you can try incorporating more water, more fiber, and more walking!

#3- Drink filtered water with added trace minerals

If you want to improve your fertility, we need to take into account our water intake and mineral status.

I know you’ve had this speech about drinking enough water a thousand times in your life, so this one does not feel groundbreaking. But the tweak here is that we want to add the trace minerals. And that’s because we’re also going to focus on drinking clean filtered water. The catch is when we filter out the bad stuff, we also filter out the good stuff- the minerals and electrolytes.

Notes on adding in more water with trace minerals:

  • Avoid plastic bottled water when you can
  • Try to get in roughly half your body weight in oz ( example: if you weigh 150lbs then you need about 75 oz of water a day)

#4- Prioritize quality sleep

Sleep is often overlooked in discussions about health, but it’s crucial for improving fertility. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a bedtime routine that signals to your body it’s time to wind down. This might look like:

  • dimming lights around dinnertime
  • avoiding tv or screens an hour before bed
  • using a magnesium

Quality sleep supports hormone balance and stress reduction, so while it seems overly easy it has a big impact!

#5- Incorporate daily movement

You don’t need to run marathons to see the benefits of exercise. Even a 10 to 20-minute walk each day can work wonders.

Gentle movement helps regulate blood sugar, improves digestion, and promotes mental well-being—all of which are vital for improving fertility.

Find a time in your daily schedule that works best for you, whether that’s a morning walk, a lunchtime stroll, or an evening walk with your partner. Not only does this provide health benefits, but it can also strengthen your connection as a couple during your fertility journey.

Are you looking for a step-by-step plan to implement these 5 habits along with other fertility-boosting habits?

If you found this blog helpful, and you’re ready to dive in and take control of your fertility journey, come check out the Boost Your Fertility Blueprint course! This is a self-paced program that shows you exactly what to do each day to understand your body, improve ovulation, and improve your chances of conception.

online course on how to improve your fertility naturally

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How can I become more fertile to get pregnant?

Through fertility foundations! This means implementing healthy lifestyle habits like proper sleep, stress reduction, improved digestion, and more. You can find a step by step plan to improve your fertility to help you get pregnant inside the Boost Your Fertility Blueprint!

How can I increase my changes of getting pregnant fast?

Implement these 5 habits: breakfast before coffee, bowel movements everyday, drink more water with minerals, prioritize sleep, and more your body daily!

How to improve egg quality?

The same thing that improves your overall fertility helps improve egg quality so these 5 habits in this article can greatly help.

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