welcome to the

Fruitful Fertility Co Podcast

Each week you’ll find new episodes giving you real biblical encouragement along with tactical steps to take to improve your chances of conception and improve your fertility in a foundational way.




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  • Ovulation – how to confirm if you are ovulating and how to regulate your cycles and start ovulating naturally.
  • Supplements – how to know what supplements you should invest in and which ones not to waste your time and money on.
  • Best testing options – how to know what testing options would be best for you and how to get started.
  • Encouragement – fertility struggles can be so hard. This podcast will help you lean in spiritually and give you rest mentally.

meet your host

HI I’M Tori

I’m a registered nurse and certified Mercier Therapist with over 10+ years of healthcare experience as well as 5+ years specializing in fertility. It’s truly my honor to connect with you and share more natural ways on how to get pregnant!

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