woman laying on bed with hands on stomach and womb

9 Reasons why You are not getting pregnant no one is talking about

If you are not getting pregnant after months or maybe even years of trying, I know you’ve looking down all the avenues and all the Google rabbit holes. But I want to share with you a few things that I think are critically important to why you are not getting pregnant- and most of these you wont find on the internet anywhere. You most certainly won’t hear them at your doctor’s office.

So let’s dive into these 9 things you can change or do to improve your chances of getting pregnant and improving your fertility this year!

#1- Not Digging Deeper Into Symptoms

I know when we are trying to get pregnant we can get a little tunnel vision right? We only focus on fertility-related things like ovulation, menstrual cycles, and sperm health. And while all of that is wonderful and needed, we might be missing the bigger picture.

You need to start digging deeper into the other symptoms you might be having OR what is causing those fertility-specific symptoms. For example, let’s say you aren’t having a regular period. Maybe when they do come they are painful. So instead of focusing only on getting a period so we can get pregnant, let’s go a little deeper and ask questions like:

  • why are my periods stretched out- what could be causing this
  • has anything else been going on since my periods have spaced out ( big life events)
  • have I changed the way I eat, drink, sleep
  • what other symptoms am I experiencing?

This might include digging deeper into things that don’t seem fertility-related like acne or joint pain. When you start to ask questions and go deeper into your foundational health, you greatly impact your fertility.

#2- Relying Only On Test Results To Tell You What To Do

We don’t have to wait for test results to come back to take action. What I find with a lot of my clients in that the things I suggest, I would have suggested even before I got results back from certain types of testing.

Sure testing can give us more dialed instructions that will make a great impact, but there are still a lot of foundational things we can do when we are not getting pregnant. We can take action on things like better nutrition, better sleep, and more movement even without a test to tell us what to do.

#3- Trying To Lose Weight The Wrong Way

Unfortunately when we go to the doctor’s office and mention we are not getting pregnant, one of the first things our doctor might say is “you need to lose some weight.” And while a healthy body weight is important, this statement without any specific steps is not helpful. It leads us down an unhealthy road filled with calorie deficits and intermittent fasting.

Now these methods have proven to help you lose weight BUT when we are trying to conceive, we really want to be eating enough calories regularly to help with blood sugar regulation and hormone balance. I personally do NOT recommend intermittent fasting for women who are trying to get pregnant.

If you need to lose weight, start by optimizing your diet and adding in walking 3-4 times a week.

#4- Not Managing Stress or Trauma Well

This one really should be at the top because chronic stress and unresolved trauma can play a huge role in infertility. We live in the real world where we are unfortunately going to experience stress almost on a daily basis, so avoiding it is out of the question. What we can do though is learn to cope with it in healthy ways and have a healthy response to it. This impacts everything from our mental health to our sleep, to our fertility, to our gut. It’s incredibly important.

Stored trauma is equally important to work through. I know you might be avoiding some hardship in your life ( and I mean even waaaaaay back when) but we need to process it and move those emotions out of our body so we can heal. Working with a therapist is a great way to improve your chances of conceiving when you are not getting pregnant.

#5- Only Going To The Fertility Clinic Or Only Getting One Opinion

You have options!!

The normal progression of things is we go to our OB. Our OB tells us to wait a year and then when we are still not getting pregnant, they send us straight to the fertility clinic. But the truth is you do not have to wait a year and the fertility clinic is not your only option.

You can choose to work with other types of practitioners to improve your fertility more holistically and naturally. Think:

  • functional medicine practitioner
  • chiropractor
  • acupuncturist
  • fertility or health coach

In fact, that’s exactly what I do! I’ve taken my years of experience and what I’ve seen work for clients and put it into a self paced online course that make it so simply and gives you a daily routine to follow to understand and improve your fertility naturally. Check out the Boost Your Fertility Blueprint if you are ready for a simple roadmap you can implement starting today!

#6- Avoiding Solutions That Seem To Simple

I know you’ve been trying for a long time. I also know that makes it feel like the situation is not simple and simple steps will not make a difference. But the truth is consistency in simple small steps make ALL the difference.

Our medical system and world has made health seem very complicated. Even as a registered nurse I go a little cross-eyed and think..uhh what! But the truth is the foundations of health and fertility are simple. We need to nourish our bodies with real food, clean water, adequate sleep, and gratitude.

Don’t avoid the simple things like walking or drinking more water. Make them a priority in your fertility journey when you are not getting pregnant, and you’ll things start to change!

#7- Not Listening To God

Ouch. Does that one sting a little? It does me too.

In my life, whenever I’ve had my eye on a goal, I tend to just rush forward in my own way and my own choices. I think MY way is better and makes more sense. Plus I’m an extremely impatient person so I “don’t have time” to slow down and pray or ask God what He thinks.

Being out of alignment with God’s will for our lives will derail our progress and lengthen our timeline to pregnancy. I know you may want to jump to IVF next week, but is that where God is leading you? It truly might be, but I encourage you to invite Him in and trust his timing and process because even if it’s hard to wait, His way is greater than our ways.

#8- Relying On Supplements To Be The Fix

Trust me…I love supplements. I could spend all the money in my bank account on them and their pretty promises.

But you cannot out supplement an unhealthy lifestyle.

You have to make supplements the icing on your fertility cake, not the entire cake. Supplements wont do the heavy lifting for you. Make sure you are implementing healthy lifestyle choices and letting supplements fill the gaps.

#9- Not Listening To Your Body

Our body is always trying to keep us safe. It doesn’t hate us, it’s not broken, it’s just extremely protective of you. That means it will shut down certain processes (like ovulation) for more important processes.

If you are experiencing symptoms like not getting pregnant, acne, pain, fatigue, etc- these are all ways your body is trying to talk to you. Listen and dig deeper as we said in tip #1 as to what your body is trying to communicate with you.

What Can You Work On Starting Today

Which of these 9 things can you start to change or add to your fertility journey? Pick just one to work on this week! And after that come join us in the Facebook Community for more fellowship, tips, and support!

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Friends, fellowship, and fertility! We can’t wait to connect with you.


What is the reason behind not getting pregnant?

This answer might be different for everyone, but most commonly it’s due to anovulation or sperm quality issues.

What are signs you can’t get pregnant?

I believe that everyone can get pregnant if that’s God’s will for their life regardless of any roadblocks. From a physical standpoint, we do need a healthy egg, healthy sperm, and healthy uterus. You might be not getting pregnant if there is an issue with any of those things.

What are 4 causes of female infertility?

– anovulation
-chronic stress
– unhealthy uterus conditions ( endometriosis, endometritis, infection, polyps, etc)
– PCOS causing lack of ovulation

Why is it so hard for me to get pregnant?

I don’t know for sure friend, but if you start with the 9 things in this blog that could greatly improve your chances.

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